
  • DIY Mold Removal vs Hiring A Professional

    DIY Mold Removal vs Hiring A Professional

    Hiring a professional offers numerous benefits. They will know exactly what type of cleaning agents and techniques work best on different types of molds. A professional will possess all the necessary tools and safety gear needed for mold removal. They will have experience dealing with hazardous materials. They will complete the job quickly so that…

  • Mold Infestation And Moisture: Addressing The Source

    Mold Infestation And Moisture: Addressing The Source

    Mold is a resilient thing, just the smallest amount of water and food and it will grow almost anywhere. That’s why we correct the mold in your home and set up preventative measures. This will ensure that the mold won’t grow back. If you suspect that your home or business has a moisture problem that’s…

  • Mold Containment Barriers And Why Professionals Use Them

    Mold Containment Barriers And Why Professionals Use Them

    What is mold? Mold is a type of fungus that grows in damp or wet environments. It reproduces by releasing spores into the air which then land on surfaces and start to develop colonies. These colonies spread as the fungi continue to reproduce and feed off the organic material they are growing on. Common mold…

  • Mold Containment And Its Importance In Mold Removal

    Mold Containment And Its Importance In Mold Removal

    Have you ever wondered why mold containment is a critical step in the mold removal process? If you’re dealing with a mold issue, understanding the importance of properly containing it before removal is essential. Mold containment refers to the methods and practices used to isolate and prevent the spread of mold during the remediation process.…

  • Mold Damage And How Can Your Avoid It In New Jersey?

    Mold Damage And How Can Your Avoid It In New Jersey?

    You have probably heard a great deal about mold damage. A lot of it most likely focuses on the musty smell it causes and how gross it looks but the trickier questions are hardly answered. Some of those questions might include: What is mold? Is it dangerous? How does it begin to grow in our homes? Where…

  • What Is Mold And What Kind Of Damage Can It Do?

    What Is Mold And What Kind Of Damage Can It Do?

    Mold and fungi There are a lot of organisms known as fungi; estimates put their number at 300,000. Fungal species, often known as funguses, are described by the US EPA as “types of plants that have no leaves, flowers, or roots.” Molds found in cheese, peanut butter, mulch, hay, grains, and spoiled foods; organisms that…

  • Black Mold: Professional Toxic Mold Removal

    Black Mold: Professional Toxic Mold Removal

    If you’ve looked into mold remediation for your home or business, you’ve probably heard the term “black mold.” But what is it about this mold that makes it worse than other mold and mildew infestations? Black mold can be harmful to you, your home, your family, or your customers. Hiring mold removal services as soon…

  • What Is Hoarding? Here’s How To Get Help

    What Is Hoarding? Here’s How To Get Help

    Do you struggle with a hoarding disorder? MasterTech will help with removal, disposal or simple organization. No matter what you call it (cleaning, clutter removal, or decluttering), getting rid of unnecessary items is essential to managing the large amounts STUFF that piles up in our homes. We at Master Tech Jersey Shore are masters at…

  • Professional Mold Removal & Remediation Process

    Professional Mold Removal & Remediation Process

    What is Mold Removal & Mold Remediation? Mold Remediation: the professional mold removal, cleaning, sanitizing, demolition, or other treatment. This involves taking preventive actions and actively removing mold or mold-contaminated materials that were not intentionally grown at the location. Mold develops naturally in the environmental all around us. And it plays a vital part in the…

  • Should I Be Worried About Mold Growth In My Home?

    Should I Be Worried About Mold Growth In My Home?

    You need to promptly and actively remove mold growth, and address the moisture source properly. Unaddressed mold growth and moisture will only worsen with time and spread to previously clean areas. It is important for Ocean County New Jersey property owners to conduct regular maintenance checks. And pay close attention to the warning signs of…